Art & Science project provide unique means to enrich my research by singular questions. The art allows me to easily open new universes that technician and scientific don’t explore spontaneously. Science and technology give tools and knowledge to the artists that is often useful in others applications.


  • Virtual Reality and Interactive system

  • Multimodal based on physical model : multiprocessor and multifrequency computing
  • Haptic feedback : 6 dofs kinematic with physical model, Haptic and Tactile integration
  • Tactile feedback : Intuitive touch device for collaboration
  • Nanolearner : Atomic force microscopy teaching (Price of pedagogic innovation – CETSIS 2010)

  • Computer Music

  • Audio/Haptic devices – Instrumental interaction
  • Musical interface drived by biological signals
  • Electronic interface inspired by guitar

  • Interactive Art

  • Software for art creation based on multi-agent system
  • Audiovisual interactive system for danse experiment
  • Multimedia and itinerant installation for painting collaboration


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