here are details about my creation activity


  • Track composed for the video called « Sur le chemin de l’errance » (Lyon)

Collaboration with video makers : Roman Scrittori and Pierric Favret

Centre Pompidou : HORS PISTES 2012,

Reonnance Lyon : Programme Résonnance Biennale de Lyon,

Centre d’art Bastille : Exhibition video CAB, Grenoble – Currator : Vincent Verlé


  • Video performance : Panic @ ass. Collectif Coin

30 naked people invest gateways of a building on the campus of the University of Grenoble.

Artistic performance realized in Grenoble on 20 October 2007.

Video shooting during the performance.


  • Evolutive installation mixing sound and image @ Rencontre-i

This project has the ambition to question the relationships between artists and scientists in Art / Science project.
After a period of foraging in the university campus of Grenoble, during which everyone was able to collect a photographic pollen of this territory, the team worked together to develop autonomous software entities called « Agents ». Thanks to a set of rules coming from artists, agents can move, transform images harvested and a set of sounds.

Designed in collaboration with MAGMA from the Computer Laboratory in Grenoble for the event called : les Rencontres Imaginaires, biennale Art et Sciences, l’Hexagone (Scène Nationale de Meylan)


  • Track composed in collaboration with Olivier Tache @ 60x60

60×60 is a project containing 60 works each 60 seconds in length presented continuously in an hour performance synchronized with an analog clock. 60×60 presents a slice of what is happening in the contemporary music scene by representing 60 works that are diverse in aesthetic and style. Works are selected from an international pool of emerging and established composers and sequenced in order. The resulting mix is presented, without interruption, as a continuous one-hour performance synchronized to an on-stage analog clock.

Our proposal : submit a proposal to the 60×60 project composed of one second of each creation from the previous years.